Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are reshaping many aspects of our lives, including education. As digital tools become integral to learning, AI offers unique opportunities to...
POORANMASI: A Bhojpuri Horror Thriller with a Unique Traveling Theme "POORANMASI," a Bhojpuri horror-thriller film, stands out as a groundbreaking addition to the genre. Produced by Rajeev Pandey...
Shashank Chaudhary's Bollywood Debut Alongside Kavita Krishnamurthy in "Mujhe Pyar Hai" Bollywood's latest sensation, Shashank Chaudhary, has made a remarkable entry onto the silver screen in an...
"I LOVE YOU," a production by AK FILMS and Aryan Kumar (KG) & Ent House, is setting hearts on fire with its captivating charm "I LOVE YOU," a production by AK FILMS and Aryan Kumar (KG) & Ent...
The TOI Sports Desk excels in a myriad of roles that capture the essence of live sporting events and deliver compelling content to readers worldwide. From running live blogs for India and...
NEW DELHI: The number of visa applications filed in India this calendar year are all set to cross pre-pandemic 2019 levels. This despite the continuing crunch for two major destinations for desis...
The most handsome man of Bollywood, Sunil Dutt, hailed from a family of landlords who were settled in present-day Pakistan. He braved the partition and settled in India, working his way to become...
NEW DELHI: All-rounder Axar Patel will not feature in the India-Sri Lanka Asia Cup final on Sunday due to a quadriceps strain, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has confirmed. Axar...
There is a need to explore diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, from every possible dimension. The reason: it is spreading like wildfire. In the past 3 decades the prevalence of type 2 diabetes...
Laurel: Well, let's start off. So, what has BP's move to the cloud been like? From your perspectives, what are the major benefits and challenges with cloud transformation? Keisha: Yeah, so our...