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Tata Memorial Hosts Inspirational Sports Fest for Children Battling Cancer

Tata Memorial Hosts Inspirational Sports Fest for Children Battling Cancer

Tata Memorial Hosts Inspirational Sports Fest for Kids Battling Cancer

In a heartwarming initiative, Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) has organized the inaugural sports fest, Nabhaangan 2024, for pediatric cancer survivors. Set to take place at the Andheri Sports Complex, this event aims to empower and celebrate the resilience of young survivors through various sports activities. Spearheaded by Tata Memorial Hosts pediatric oncology department and in collaboration with the Duhita Foundation, Nabhaangan represents a beacon of hope and opportunity for over 250 participants from eight hospitals across Mumbai.

The seeds of Nabhaangan were sown years ago when Tata Memorial Hosts After Completion of Therapy (ACT) clinic and survivorship program initiated efforts to integrate sporting activities into the lives of pediatric cancer survivors. Despite facing setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the determination to uplift these young champions remained unwavering. Thus, Nabhaangan was born, providing a platform for children to shine brightly in the realm of sports.

The significance of Nabhaangan extends beyond its sporting events. It symbolizes a courtyard of endless possibilities, where pediatric cancer survivors can rise above adversity and embrace the joy of life. Through initiatives like Nabhaangan, Tata Memorial Hosts endeavors to shift the focus from treatment to excitement, fostering a sense of camaraderie and optimism among participants and their families.

For parents like Mubasshra Khan, witnessing the joy and enthusiasm of their children is a testament to the transformative power of Nabhaangan. Despite enduring months of treatment, these young survivors radiate happiness as they eagerly prepare to participate in various sports, from chess to relay races.

Among the participants is Yatharth Pathak, a spirited 12-year-old cancer survivor, brimming with confidence and excitement. His determination to excel in the 100-meter sprint, 400-meter relay, chess, and football embodies the spirit of Nabhaangan, where every participant is encouraged to dream big and reach for the stars.

Dr. Shripad Banavali, the visionary behind Tata Memorial Hosts holistic approach to pediatric cancer care, emphasizes the importance of physical activity in improving immunity and enhancing the quality of life for cancer survivors. With an impressive survival rate of 80 percent, Tata Memorial Hosts aims to equip survivors with the tools and opportunities to lead fulfilling lives beyond their cancer journey.

Nandini Save, a pillar of support from the Duhita Foundation, brings a personal perspective to the event. Having lost her daughter, Duhita, to cancer, Save understands firsthand the healing power of sports. Through the foundation’s efforts, pediatric cancer patients are not only coached in sports but also nurtured to unlock their potential at district, state, and national levels.

As Nabhaangan marks its debut, it serves as a pilot for future endeavors on a national scale. With plans to expand participation beyond Mumbai and replicate the success of the World Children’s Winners Games, Tata Memorial Hosts envisions a future where every pediatric cancer survivor has the opportunity to thrive and excel.

In the days leading up to Nabhaangan, coaches tirelessly mentor participants, instilling confidence and igniting a passion for sports. Beyond the thrill of competition, this event fosters a sense of community and belonging, where every child is celebrated for their resilience and determination.

As the sun sets on the eve of Nabhaangan 2024, the spirit of hope and possibility fills the air. In the faces of pediatric cancer survivors, there is a glimmer of excitement and anticipation, a testament to their unwavering spirit and indomitable will. As they embark on this journey of empowerment and self-discovery, they carry with them the collective support and encouragement of a community united in their belief that every child deserves a chance to soar.

As Nabhaangan unfolds, it serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of unity and compassion. Volunteers, medical staff, and community members alike come together to ensure the success of this groundbreaking event. Their collective efforts underscore the importance of collaboration in creating a supportive environment where pediatric cancer survivors can thrive.

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